Sunday, January 3, 2016

Teenage life [being a rebel]

Hey guys,
So as teenagers we like to be rebellious, because no one really seem to understand us,
and they keep telling us what to do,so its just a way of us saying we ain't gonna take
 no shit from anyone,because in a  few years time you be looking at old pictures and
 go like Daaamn i look like i'm on drugs,which you probably were on,oh well...but you 
know we still gonna be rebellious, cause thats what being a teen is all about..

being a teen is amazing if you look prefect,have friends and are popular..otherwise it
 just sucks,everyone is just so judgemental,and life all around is no fun..but you know
 you have to somehow work through it and make it through the teenage phase..and
 then hopefully life will be much better.

Also the annoying thing bout being a teen is also that you're neither and adult nor a
child,like so you're you get into trouble with your parents and they get mad at you like
why you being so childish,and they be like oh no you cant do that you're still small,
like WTF,5 minutes ago you were all up in my face saying i'm big now and now all
of a sudden i'm small,like did i go into the past or did i get small!!!


so yah its so annoying,and in the end they always so how win the argument by
 saying i'm the parent and you are the child,so you listen to me...
man,when i become parent,i'm sure gonna like it..hahaha just kidding..

all in all teenage years aren't that bad..hahaha you just have to forget the haters and enjoy
it while it last cause it does not last forever..make the most of'll enjoy it..

                                                                                                                            With love,

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